“I knew Coach Baker from the NYC running scene, and joined up with him as soon as he hung out his shingle and started coaching. Baker is a strong a motivated athlete, and carries that through into his coaching, leading us by example. Baker has coached me through two seasons of triathlon, with significant PR’s each season. Baker is always responsive, thorough and motivates me to push beyond what I think I can do. I have seen him adapt his style to the different teammates that work with him – but also knows how to take the “whole athlete” into account, looking after our physical and mental well being as well as our adherence to our training plans.”
– Joe H.
“After more small races than I can count, I decided to ramp it up a level and signed up for the longest distance I thought I could physically endure: the half Ironman. Enter Baker. Not only did he train me to finish this race, I improved my times across all 3 disciplines and finished the season completely and miraculously uninjured.”
– Rachel C.
“This was my first season training with a coach and the gains I made were tremendous. Looking back I finished my first complete Ironman, PR’ed an Olympic Tri by 13 minutes, PR’ed the Marathon by 6 minutes, and set PR’s for the Half Marathon and shorter distances as well. Combine that with extensive traveling and a crazy career and I can honestly say I never would have been able to do it without Baker coaching me through. Looking forward to next year!”
– David C.
“For years I trained on my own for running races, swims and triathlons on my own and my race results were all over the map – a reflection of my training, I’m sure. I wasn’t consistent and my training was exhausting, so I turned to Baker and turned my training into steady progress toward better, more consistent results. Baker helped me tap into the athlete I always knew I could be with focused training that focused on kicking up my cycling ability to match my run and swim which led to kicking ass across the triathlon course. My half marathon times fell into a window of speeds all hovering around what used to be my “really fast times” with ease. Baker helps me build up to my strongest peak and throws me a workout to test my speed right when I need it, sometimes blowing away what I think I’m capable of. He also knows exactly when I’m going to need a break and makes me take it until I’m ready to get back to hard training and I’m a smarter, healthier athlete as a result. Training with Baker over the last few years has been excellent for my running and triathlon career and I’m always excited to see what he has in store for me, week after week!”
– Amy C.
Personal attention matters. Contact us to talk about an Individualized Coaching Plan for you.